Removal of solid and liquid household waste, as well as bulky waste.
The system of integrated logistics of the department of housing and communal services and companies providing garbage collection services.
Optimization of tracking routes for units of own and hired vehicles, control over the implementation of specified routes.
Accounting for industry specifics
The calculation of routes for garbage transportation takes into account such features of the industry as:
- the specifics and volume of garbage collection points (private sector, housing estate, public catering, hospitals, etc.);
- time limits for access to sampling points;
- features of the entrance of vehicles;
- cyclic collection of various types of garbage.
Main advantages
Automatic planning of the date and time of visiting garbage collection points according to external requests and / or the required frequency of visits.
Routes are calculated based on the cost of transporting garbage 1kg/m3 per 1km.
Accounting for the loading of landfills of transshipment stations.
The customer receives an economic justification for the required number of vehicles.
Accurate flight planning in time.
Flexible management of hired cars.
Compliance with laws and sanitary standards.
Tasks to be solved
The ability to determine the optimal locations of container sites in order to avoid unauthorized dumps.
Removal schedules are planned centrally, which allows assigning one responsible person, adjusting sanitary standards, calculating the cost and tariffs for waste removal.
Possibility of daily/weekly assignment of routes to carriers on the basis of tender conditions.
Payment for waste removal is made on the basis of a previously known route (time of its operation, distance and volume of waste removed), which allows determining the optimal cost of waste removal.
Quality control of the work performed at each of the garbage collection points on any day.
Strict adherence to the sanitary standards of the city. Accounting for seasonal changes in waste accumulation rates.
Specific features
The possibility of establishing real norms for the accumulation of waste cube. meters per person/unit.
Queue management at washing stations (garbage truck washes).
Ability to determine the optimal type of container for a particular area / house.
The program also allows you to keep records of receivables for a separate enterprise, tenant, housing and communal services, district and city as a whole.
Accounting for signed contracts, automatic creation of invoices for fees.
Flexible billing for each waste disposal company depending on the amount of waste produced, type of waste.
Establishment of a dispatch center to receive orders for waste disposal, control over the movement of vehicles using GPS, receive and record complaints from residents of the city.
Depending on the need, calculate routes without a fixed division of the city into districts - or taking into account their most efficient division. The boundaries of the administrative districts of the city do not always allow optimal solution of transport problems. TMS MapXPlus is able to independently offer a conditional division of the city into sectors.
Calculation of routes depending on the required frequency of visiting garbage collection points. Exclusion, in some cases, from the route of sampling points, the required frequency of visiting which is below average. Inclusion of additional visits (several times a day) to points in the route if necessary.
Accounting for different types of vehicle fleet units, according to the possibility of access to individual garbage collection points. Ensuring the possibility of creating specialized routes for individual pieces of equipment (VIP-Points, Points with difficult access to garbage, etc.). Building routes with high accuracy, according to the unique time for loading / unloading, the volume of compartments, etc.
Effective use
Accounting for compartments of vehicle fleet units intended for various types of waste. Exclusion from the routes of unnecessary visits to points with specialized garbage containers. Building separate routes for special equipment with compartments.
Route history storage. Calculation of the real cost of transportation in the context of cars, regions, cities. Monitor the quality of the work performed for each of the points on any day; Availability of several calculation models. Opportunity to optimize routes for weekends/holidays, summer/winter periods, etc.
Accounting for the work schedule for loading waste processing plants. Optimize car trips by end time to minimize downtime and distribute the load of waste processing plants.
Efficient use of rental cars. They will make it possible to exclude the purchase of additional vehicles for use only during peak periods.
Summing up the flight. Correction of routes for the next day based on the results of the served points on the current day. Clarification and modification of the map of the transport network. Identification of abuses by the crew of vehicles.
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