The company started its activity in 2004. The main specialization is the automation of processes related to transport logistics.
Years of experience in distribution
Thanks to many years of experience in implementing projects in the areas of transport logistics, inventory management, distribution and production, we provide comprehensive consulting for enterprises.
The company "TransSys" specializes in the development of applied IT solutions designed for:
optimal routing in transport logistics and distribution;
planning optimal routes for the delivery of petroleum products in the chain "network of oil depots - network of filling stations / filling stations";
automating the work of sales representatives;
GPS monitoring and traffic control.
IT professionals
Being competent IT-specialists with experience in the subject area, we are proud to present unique software and hardware products.
The successful combination of cutting-edge technologies, carefully considered solutions, and reliable, time-tested platforms is an excellent prerequisite for stable operation, ease of use, and obtaining the required results.
We are proud of the products we manufacture.
Specialization in transport logistics
Realizing that even specializing only in the field of transport logistics, it is impossible to grasp the immensity and master all the competencies, our company actively and closely works with leading industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers and individual specialists.
The main task of the company is to help our Clients in increasing the efficiency and minimizing the costs of transport logistics units, which, in turn, contributes to an increase in the final profit.
Why choose our programs?
The main specialization of our Company is the development of applied IT solutions. Employees of our company, having experience in the subject area, successfully present unique software and hardware products.
Our competence
We don't just sell software CDs and cloud services, we sell working processes, and our software is just a tool. Our experience and our programs allow you to quickly get the result you need.
Complete solution
When you buy our solutions, you buy our experience. No program will ever work without a comprehensive construction of business processes. All business processes are automated by TMS MapXPlus and SCUBIS tools.
Complete analysis
As part of the project, we touch on absolutely all processes that are related to logistics. This includes the correct organization of sales, the correct scheduling of visits to outlets, the working hours of the warehouse, the transfer of goods by the driver to the client, the receipt of cash, the delivery of returns by the driver to the warehouse.
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