SCUBIS is a constructor that, using noCode technology, allows you to create the necessary software that can run on multiple operating systems.
Allows you to automate not only the enterprise, but also relationships with customers, suppliers, relationships in the community.
Create your own social network filled with processing and accounting.
How it works
Thanks to the built-in cubes, the user quickly describes the process with the mouse, draws connections between elements, sets up the data transfer logic, determines the executors and process controllers, and gets the application running on multiple devices.
All the logic of the system is built on two components: the Company or community and the Person who belongs to the company/community.
The user registers in the system, downloads Scubis Studio, registers the company.
Next, he draws the necessary business logic for various positions.
By adding a person's phone number to the position, this functionality appears on the person's smartphone.
In order for the drawn functionality to become available to the user, he must download the application and log in to the mobile application using his phone number.
Interface editor
An interface is an entity that stores structured data. In the diagram, it is displayed as a mobile phone.
The interface is the most important cube of the system. The interface editor has the complexity of PowerPoint or Word.
The user creates the fields that he will have in this structure and places their display on the screen.
There may be different display methods for different situations.
This is done by creating many different views that will be displayed either depending on the data, or specifically specified by the user.
Cubes for your ideas
The basic principle of the system is to use a set of components and the lines that connect them.
When creating any functionality, the following main cubes are used:
Interface - describes the data structure, allows you to make a unique display design,
Table - is a tool for data exchange with external systems. Very often you need to pick up data or give it to an external system,
Line - an element that connects all the cubes into a single logic. The lines are multi-colored and have 2 different tips. Depending on the color and tip, the line execution logic is determined,
a Person is a position or a specific person who will perform a role in the process. Person or position can be an Executor, Controller or Observer of the process,
Menu - a shortcut icon that will be displayed on the user's desktop. By clicking on which we will launch the functionality we need,
Clock - a timer that can start any process on time. Used to create daily reports, or systems for monitoring performance over time,
a Wallet is a tool that describes people's KPIs. Allows you to move internal coins from the budget of the department to a person, depending on the tasks completed or not completed by him,
Diagram - allows you to decompose the diagram for easier understanding or re-call in different places,
Document - allows you to collect many Interfaces into a single entity. For example, the Invoice consists of 2 interfaces Header and Terms. Moreover, they have a tree-like structure,
Function - allows you to create documents consisting of many Interfaces,
Messenger - we allow you to create integration with messengers, e-mail, link company processes and messengers together,
External program - allows you to run any external services, client banks, navigation programs, etc.,
Accounting point - allows you to solve the problem of batch accounting. Also solves the task queue management problem,
Search service - allows you to give or take data to the internal public search. It is our innovation of the new Internet, which allows you to create a search system between ERP systems of enterprises.
Servers and IT infrastructure
The system is based on the following system components:
Process server;
API server;
Client application for Andriod, IOS, Windows, Linux, MacOS;
The application can be hosted by our company, or the user can independently host them on their servers.
A system built on human relationships
Interaction between people forms processes.
Processes form history.
History forms an account.
Add instant data transfer to your smartphone.
Smartphone is the only thing that is always with you.
So SCUBIS will always be with you from now on!
Why is it necessary
Reduced dependence on programmers.
On the basis of Scoobis, you can build a mobile enterprise group management system.
Flexibility and ease of obtaining the necessary information.
Ability to quickly adapt to changing market conditions.
The lack of rapid adaptation of the ERP system does not allow the company to be effective.
Formula of an effective manager.
ERPs are not flexible.
Data security
All company data is stored on the process server, process server may be from a distributor.
All data is stored in encrypted form, we primarily protect ourselves from our own employees.
After finishing work with the process (for example, according to the invoice, the goods are delivered, the money is received), the process ends and is deleted from the memory of client applications.
A copy of the process is stored on the Process Server and the totals remain in the corresponding reports.
SCUBIS in smartphone
Each role has its own tasks, its own functionality and there is nothing superfluous. Follow clear instructions, fix actions, get the desired result!
Logist - analyst
Controls routes, plan-factual analysis, results of visits and sales
Sales Representative
Routes for the week, points, tasks, payment arrangements, accounts receivable
Point of sale sales representative
The process of ordering, fixing balances
Visit monitoring, reporting
Progress, totals, route lines, gas station analysis
Logist - analyst
Progress, totals, route lines, gas station analysis
Control, reporting, KPI analysis, fuel accounting
Our industry solutions
Thanks to the SCUBIS platform, we successfully implement the following industry solutions
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